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Hi again, hope you are enjoying my stories so far!

The characters iory are me (Ross) and my ueve).

Steve is a carpenter by profession and a couple of weeks before my 18th birthday I was io London with him for the weekend to apany him on some job or another.

We drove down in his van, we left early on the friday hoping to arrive in London for around mid-afternoon. Once we got there we were introduced to the woman who’s house we would be living in for the weekend while my uncle and I fitted her upstairs door frames, doors and fitted one of the smaller bedrooms. It turned out the woman was away to a health farm or some kind of woman's pamperiablishment and had left the fridge and freezer full of everything we could ever need.

We took s to our rooms and took a look around the rooms we would be w in which had ceilings much higher than they looked from the outside of the building.

Once we started work I realised that I may be quite bored as I didn’t have the experience or the know-how to help my uh the jobs he was doing so I just did little things like make him sandwiches and so on.

I was sitting on one of the sofa’s as Steve asded up a ladder and was looking at something and rambling on about different measurements and what he was going to do. As he the ladder I noticed his trousers made his ass look quite attractive for a man of his age (he had just turned 51 but didn’t really look it but did at the same time, if that makes any sense?), and as he was always doing manual work he was well toned and you could see the muscles through his clothes. So as the day went on, my ever reliable dirty mind took over me and I had all sorts of things going through my head involving my uncle and myself, I



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