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s body, if it weren’t for that damn towel he had over his manhood.

“I was just ing for a shower, I’m glad your up early. Do you want to stick the kettle on and make a coffee for me ing out?”

“Yeah, sure,” I answered “Do you want toast too?”


“Well I’ll get dressed and then I’ll do it.” I said ahanked me. I left the room a into the shower but I had taken a look over my shoulder and saw the whole of the back of him, and his sweet ass, it looked so nid tight. My sed thoughts were gone and I was surer thahat it was the right thing to do.

So I made our breakfasts ah eat and then he said we better make a start with the work.

So we started work and he went back up has ladder, he had on a different pair of trousers and I was a bit disappointed but I knew what was uhem so it made up for it.

He had to let go of the ladder to do something and asked me to hold it at the bottom. So as I was holding it I took a d rested my head on his ass for a sed then took it away quickly and said sorry, like I had just realised I had just done something awful or something.

“It’s OK.” said Steve and laughed.

I was standing at the bottom of that ladder for a time lohan I care to remember. I had been staring at his ass so long it looked different but still OK I suppose. I was so bored at that moment so I decided I had to do something. So I put my hand on his ass and theher oeve asked what I was doing but I ignored him and carried on with what I was doing. I reached round to his front and undid his button and fly then pulled his trousers off, his boxers remained but they were really hey were dark blue satin.

“Ross!” Steve shouted “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

I thought the o


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